The two pillars of remote working success

Every year the amount of remote working debates has increased, with people arguing the various positives and negatives. 2020 has been the year where the debates and the theory have become a reality whereby the majority of the world’s workforce were forced to work from home. It was unexpected and there was no infrastructure in place to support it. 

Mark Deubel will be providing great insight on remote working that he will be sharing at TA Global Gathering coming up on July 8th & 9th!  

COVID-19’s impact on the world of work left everyone asking the same questions like – How much of a hit is this going to take on company culture? And how easy is it going to be to hire remotely?

You need to go back a step and look at how your company’s structure was before COVID-19 and think about adaptation.

The two pillars of remote working success:

1) Staying connected. Communication is key. This does not mean only communicate the most urgent and vital information. Communication makes people feel included. For example, when you need something from a colleague use a more public channel of communication instead of messaging them privately. By doing so everyone feels clued into what’s going on and gives people the opportunity to have their say. This is crucial for building a remote company culture, as consistent communication makes everyone feel more like a team. 

TOP TIP – Make a channel for ‘water cooler’ conversations, where your team can post non-work related articles and share personal news and life updates.

2) Structure. Structure has always been important for running the office but structure is critical for remote working and hiring. A centralised document/spreadsheet is a great example. Everyone in the team sees the same information with live updates no matter what their time zone or schedule. This cuts out wasted time with colleagues asking for specific bites of information or resources.

Coming up on the 8th & 9th of July we have TA Global Gathering: a virtual experience that will connect the TA industry on a truly global scale. Our 100+ expert speakers will be covering Remote Working/Hiring plus a plethora of the hottest topics in our industry right now. See our full line up of speakers and reserve yourself a free space now: