“There are not enough women in tech” – Shefali Davda-Bhanot, spoke at our recent breakfast event on hiring diverse technical talent. Shefali’s presentation, Inclusive Hiring, covered the importance that diversity has in the world of technology and looking back historically at women whom have had a huge influence on developing technologies that are still present, or set the foundations for modern technological advancements.
Shefali also talks about how together we must fuel the action points towards a more inclusive workforce, including how companies should be looking at setting targets, and not quotas as the latter can often feel as though a candidate is put into a position due to a quota, rather than earning it. Finally, Shefali speaks about the importance of working together, and how we should share our knowledge, our data for benchmarking and doing more as a collective – to inspire and train individuals to become tech hires.
Shefali Davda-Bhanot is the current Associate Director of Talent @ Babylon Health and an experienced tech recruitment manager, having been in the London hiring scene since 2010. Shefali is also an engineering Talent Pipeline Building & Talent Sourcing Consultant for start-ups and scale-up organisations in the UK. Outside of these Shefali is passionate about topics including gender parity, pay gap and innovative start-up’s.