WEBINAR: Covid-19: Leading through crisis – agile leadership for the virtual world  ·
Online Webinar

About the Event

Leaders are being called upon to lead in a virtual world, not by design but as a result of an emergency. We have been forced into crisis management and minimising business disruption and many organisations don’t have agile working, systems or infrastructure in place. For leaders in the current climate, everything is magnified. There may be fear and anxiety in the team, possibly additional workload or the stress of balancing work with home-educating. Agile leadership is more relevant than ever – how do you act under pressure? How open is your mindset to learning? How do you cultivate personal resilience?

The Speakers

Dr. Alan Bourne
CEO & Founder

Lucie Ilbury
Head of Consulting Services

Online Webinar

27th May, 2020 @ 10:30 am

The Agenda

10:30am: Alan Bourne and Lucie Ilbury talk about the key challenges for leaders and offer psychological insight and guidance to help leaders navigate the crisis more effectively.

Previous Companies Attended

The Venue

This event is an online webinar.
