Answering your tricky questions on all things EVP  ·

About the Event

Your Webinar Access Link:

It’s a busy time for the TA community, there are lots of questions out there and people need help and they need answers!

Following the success of DNA’s ‘How to’ EVP webinar before Xmas, the questions relating to EVP & employer brand have been coming thick & fast and it was clear we needed a follow-up session.

Join this upcoming Webinar on the 8th of March where DNA will cover these questions head-on and offer more help and guidance on all things EVP and Employer Branding. They’ll show best practices in action and provide hints, tips and some neat ideas to apply to your business straight away!

Key questions that will be answered:

“How do I create the business case? How do I sell it in? Can you give me some tips on great things to say.”

“What objectives should I be setting?”

“Is it OK to create a departmental EVP rather than something all-Company?”

“The relationship with the marketing and comms teams is an issue – how much support and reliance should we place on them? How do I overcome the protectiveness of the company brand?”

“How can a smaller organisation tackle activation of their brand in a competitive market?”

“What’s the process, how long does it take?”

“If I can’t get an EVP moving, what’s the next best thing to get the results we need?…..and quickly!”

The Speakers

John Tarrant
Managing Partner @ DNA

Our Partner



8th March, 2022 @ 11:00 am

The Agenda

1. Introductions
2. Your issues covered
3. Further discussion and Q&A

Previous Companies Attended

The Venue
